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San Angelo Blues Society - Homepage
15th Annual Simply Texas Blues Festival
May 25th, 2024
Downtown San Angelo - Corner of Oakes & Twohig

From the President

Hello Blues Enthusiasts!

Planning for The Simply Texas Blues Festival is a year-round job.  We’re already deep in the trenches for our 15th annual festival and excited to be back in beautiful Downtown San Angelo.  

We are pleased to announce that after this year’s round of Scholarship awards, we have exceeded $125,000 distributed since our inception in 2008!  This year we were blessed again to have the H.A. Baity Memorial Scholarship fund.  Our sincere thanks to the Family of this respected gentleman, and especially to Katie Reed for making it all possible.  Dr. Karen Cody and Dr. John English, from ASU have been instrumental in finding our applicants.  Many thanks to them for their efforts!  A list of Scholarship recipients is available here on our website.

Scholarships are also made possible through the generous donations of our Sponsors.  Without them, none of this would be possible!  Sponsorship is an excellent way to reach out to the community as well.  You can get more information on our Sponsors and packages by clicking on the Sponsors tab! 

After a bit of rest and reflection, I am pleased that the board has asked me to continue as president.  We are in need of 2 additional board members, so if you woud be interested in serving on our board, please reach out to me.


Blessings in Blues,


Alexandra Cunningham


We welcome your input and feedback!  Please, feel free to contact me any time at [email protected] or by messaging our Facebook page!